Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Latex Mattress Naturally Resists Dust Mites

(Latex Mattress)

Research shows that the household dust mite, in particular its feces, is the most common cause of bronchial asthma and other chronic sinus or respiratory conditions. The periodic replacement of a mattress is one of the primary methods to control allergy causing dust mites, according to Duncan Bain, a leading researcher. Bain has been involved in the development of British, European and international standards for the evaluation of mattresses and cushions and states that "the number of people effected is rising throughout Europe (and indeed world wide), now impairing the health and quality of life of a substantial proportions of children, as well as many adults."

Mattresses, particularly inner-spring mattresses, provide the ideal environment for dust mites as a result of the moisture our bodies give off and the dead skin that we slough off, while we are sleeping. In general, the older the mattress the larger is the dust mite concentration, which will continue to grows for years, until the mattress reaches maximum colonization. Even when the maximum density of dust mites is reached, the dead bodies and feces continue to build up over a longer period, and it's primarily the dust mite's feces that contribute to allergic reactions.

While it's unlikely that dust mites can be completely eliminated from your household, there are control measures that can be effective. Moisture is a primary environment for dust mites, and can be controlled with a dehumidifier and ventilation system. However, our bodies give off moisture while we sleep and, as a result, the highest concentrations of dust mites eventually end up in our mattresses. Dust mite barriers that are constructed of fabric, rather than plastic, can be an effective method of control, particularly when combined with mattress replacement at reasonable intervals.

A natural latex mattress is the most effective solution for allergic reactions to dust mites and their feces. Latex naturally resists dust mites and is hypo-allergenic, anti-microbial and resistant to mold, mildew and fungus. When a latex mattress is combined with a natural wool cover, also naturally resistant to dust mites, the environment for dust mite colonization is almost null. A natural wool cover, or an organic wool mattress pad, that can be removed and aired out for six hours or more on a sunny day will completely eliminate the possibility of dust mite colonization. Of course, the fact that natural latex is the most comfortable and durable of all sleeping surfaces, gives you a feeling for the finest choice available in quality mattresses.

KC Ennis - Marketing Manager - -
Foamsource, offering innovations in restful sleep since 1985, is a direct manufacturer of latex and memory foam mattresses, toppers and pillows.

Article Source:

Latex Mattress

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